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How to obtain a better solution for the professional setting of vocational education

Release time: 2024-02-05 Number of hits:

From February 04, 2024 [Central Radio Network]

Recently, the news that a vocational college's e-sports and management major has suspended enrollment has become a hot topic among netizens。In 2017 and 2018, a number of universities opened esports related majors。The news was widely discussed。

Optimizing the professional setup of higher vocational colleges is always one of the key tasks for the high-quality development of vocational education。

The Opinions on Deepening the Reform of the Construction of the Modern Vocational Education System released in 2022 stressed that the dynamic adjustment mechanism of vocational education majors should be improved, and the professional layout should be closely connected with the local industrial structure。In 2023, the Implementation Plan for the Integration of Production and Education in Vocational Education to Enhance the Action (2023-2025) was issued, requiring the improvement of the professional setting of vocational education, proposing to encourage schools to open more majors that are in short supply and meet market demand, and forming a professional system that closely connects the industrial chain and innovation chain。

Reasonable specialty setting is the necessary condition to realize the high quality development of vocational education。Behind the professional setting of vocational education, "industry" is a key word that cannot be sidetracked。

The degree of matching between majors and industries needs to be improved

Zhang Hong, a senior lecturer at Kunshan Open University, told reporters that with the transformation and upgrading of regional industries, the professional Settings of higher vocational colleges will be dynamically adjusted。This is the law and basic idea of vocational education。However, in the actual work, due to the limitations of historical inertia, teaching staff, practice and training places and other factors, the adjustment of professional Settings in some higher vocational colleges is not timely, and the matching degree with the regional industrial structure is not high。

"Ideally, students' choice of major should be motivated by the realization of their self-worth。But in reality, students choose majors mostly based on external factors rather than talent or interest。If a student's major does not meet the market demand, then they are likely to not engage in the relevant work after graduation。Zhang Hong bluntly said that the disconnect between vocational education and industry means a waste of resources and opportunities for colleges and students。

Some studies have shown that there are problems in the professional setup of some higher vocational colleges in China, such as blindness, homogenization and lack of precision in connecting industries。From the point of view of professional distribution, the relevant professional distribution of the secondary industry is relatively low, and the relevant professional distribution of the tertiary industry is relatively high。The compatibility between the professional structure of higher vocational colleges and the industrial structure still needs to be strengthened。Zhang Hong believes that improving the fit between professional Settings and industrial structure is an important measure to achieve high-quality development of higher vocational education。

Tang Zhibin, a professor at the Institute of Vocational Education of Hunan Normal University, said that at present, the industrial chain link of some professional groups in higher vocational colleges is incomplete and the value chain level of the connection is low。"This not only affects the employment and career development of graduates, but also makes it more difficult to adapt to the requirements of innovative development, green development and high-quality development of regional industries.。"Tang Zhibin said。

Taking Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province, where Zhang Hong is located, as an example, the matching degree between the higher vocational specialties corresponding to the three major industries in Kunshan City and their output value scale needs to be improved。Vocational colleges do not offer majors in the fields related to the primary industry,Lack of agriculture-related professional skills;The professional setting and enrollment of secondary industry are lower than its output value,Can not support Kunshan City's large demand for operational skills;The number of tertiary industry majors and enrollment is much larger than its output value,May lead to the professional setting and its output value proportion is not coordinated situation。

"In order to facilitate enrollment or cater to the ideas of some parents, some higher vocational colleges continue to expand the enrollment scale of tertiary industry-related majors such as financial accounting, automobile testing and maintenance technology, and e-commerce.。But in fact, the demand for talent in these specialties is already saturated。Other positions lack expertise。Zhang Hong said that the structural contradiction between the surplus of popular professionals and the shortage of talents in characteristic emerging industries has thus emerged。

Xu Jianjun, president of Changzhou Institute of Information Technology, said that some vocational colleges ignore their actual conditions when opening new majors to meet market demand。Once the number of newly established majors increases, the school may not be able to provide enough training places, equipment, excellent teachers and other teaching resources, and it is difficult to provide courses and practical positions closely related to the needs of the industry, resulting in unsatisfactory teaching quality, and thus affecting the reputation and attractiveness of the school。

The adjustment should be forward-looking and orderly

So, how to start with the professional setting of higher vocational colleges?

"First of all, we must strengthen market research and scientific demonstration。Xu Jianjun said that in the setting of majors, colleges should understand the market demand and industry trends, based on the positioning of schools, develop scientific and reasonable professional Settings, to ensure that the school's professional Settings fully match the market demand。In addition, higher vocational colleges should also increase the investment in educational resources, strengthen the construction of practice bases, and provide more practical opportunities for students。At the same time, the comprehensive quality and ability of teachers should be improved, and the professional level and industry experience of teachers can be improved by introducing excellent teachers, strengthening teacher training, and encouraging teachers to participate in industry practice。

In the view of Chen Guilin, president of the Guangdong Institute of Vocational Education, the professional setting should not only meet the needs of social and economic development, but also focus on the long-term development of colleges and universities。"Strategies such as the combination of long-term majors and short-term majors, the coexistence of wide-caliber majors and narrow-caliber majors, the integration of trunk majors and radiation majors, and the complementarity of academic qualifications and vocational training should be adopted to establish scientific professional construction planning to ensure that professional setup and professional structure adjustment are scientific, forward-looking and orderly.。"Chen Guilin said。

"Colleges and universities can be appropriately advanced layout, fully demonstrate the realistic possibility of professional setting 'moderately advanced'.。Tang Zhibin suggested that we should give full play to the important functions of new entities such as the city-wide industry-education consortium and the industry-education integration community, and further enhance the connection between industry and vocational education。While serving the economic and social development of higher vocational colleges, the development of vocational education should be promoted。

Wang Shijie, president of Hefei Information Technology Vocational College, reminded that colleges and universities should accurately plan their majors, take the regional and local industrial structure needs as the guide, clarify their own positioning, highlight school-running characteristics, and achieve seamless connection between majors and industries。

Governments need to provide scientific guidance

In response to the lack of foresight in the professional setting of some higher vocational colleges, Wang Shijie pointed out that higher vocational colleges should assume social responsibility, and the government should also provide macro-guidance to achieve the organic combination of government guidance and institutional autonomy。

"The government should play a macro-control role, stand in the perspective of regional economic development integration, overall integration of technology, industry, employment, education and other aspects of demand.。Wang Shijie said that the government should actively build a mechanism for linking the professional Settings of higher vocational colleges with the local industrial chain to provide scientific and effective guidance for the professional Settings of higher vocational colleges。

Zhang Hong believes that the government should strengthen overall planning, seize the trend of economic development, so that the supply of talents and industrial development needs to match。"Taking Kunshan City as an example, at present, the types of professional Settings of private higher vocational colleges in Kunshan City have exceeded public colleges。The government needs to focus on guidance, expand the scope of the establishment of some majors in public higher vocational colleges, invest more funds in the teaching facilities and equipment of public higher vocational colleges, and improve the suitability of professional construction in public colleges and universities to market demand。"Zhang Hong said。

In Zhang Hong's view, local governments can predict the scale and hierarchical structure of the demand for skilled talents according to regional economic development planning and the development trend of emerging industries, and release information in a timely manner, so as to guide the vocational colleges to adjust the professional structure in a timely manner and ensure the coordinated development of different majors。Majors urgently needed in emerging industries should be widely publicized to increase enrollment。

Zhang Hong suggested that local governments can use information means to establish a data platform for the demand of skill talents in the three major industries at the municipal level, and collect and dynamically display the matching degree of industrial development scale and the supply of skill talents in real time。For example, when the industrial output value accounts for more than 10%-20% of its enrollment, the corresponding professional Settings and enrollment numbers can be appropriately increased;If the industrial output value accounts for less than 10%-20% of its enrollment, it is necessary to appropriately reduce the corresponding professional Settings and enrollment numbers。

Mr Tang said access to information was a key element。Government departments should effectively improve the information sharing mechanism of industrial development and talent demand supply, break through the functional barriers of various departments, so that higher vocational colleges can timely and accurately understand the demand for skilled talents of industries and enterprises, including the number and structure, and be reflected in the professional setting, talent training programs and education and teaching in the first time。

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